Protection Cluster: Strengthening the emergency response capacity of the Protection Cluster was a critical priority in June - based on lessons learned from the Idleb response, the Aleppo response plan focuses on strengthening eld level coordination and capacity building of local partners. The Cluster-supported Mine Action reference group received a visit from UNMAS to look at potential support to the mine action partners operating from cross-border from Turkey.
Child Protection Sub-Cluster: The data collection phase for the child protection assessment was completed. Due to the heightened insecurity during this period, the governorates where it was possible to collect data were Idleb, Aleppo, Hama, Lattakia and Al Hasakeh. Data analysis is ongoing. The full draft of the CP SOPs has been released. It has been developed in partnership with members of the Child Protection Sub-cluster. The SOPs establish common case management procedures and standards, referral pathways, and minimum requirements across all areas of CPiE programs.
GBV Sub-Cluster:(1) A Caring for GBV survivors ToT for medical sta was organized by the GBV sub-cluster and the health cluster and funded by UNFPA on June 10-14 for organizations working in northern Syria, and are part of the broader GBV/health strategy. 15 medical personnel from seven dierent organization took part.
(2) The GBV sub-cluster developed a guidance note on dignity kits, with a focus on a participatory approaches. In collaboration with WASH the GBV SC devised a tracking tool to ensure a more coordinated system to plan and follow up on dignity kits distributions. (3) The drafting of the GBV SOPs in ongoing.